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Posts tagged ‘buttermilk’

Buttermilk anything cake

Sometimes I go a bit overboard with fruit. Summer comes and suddenly there are peaches and apricots and cherries and everything all over the place, and I just can’t help myself. I buy boatloads, and then we end up needing to eat eight pieces a day just to make it through.



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Whole wheat buttermilk lemon muffins

One of my favorite times to bake is a lazy weekend morning – a morning with no reservations at spin class or a goal for miles to run, with no 10 a.m. obligations to be at work or someone’s house, or too many errands to run. I love spending time in the kitchen with natural light (my camera likes that too), baking in pajamas and with no thoughts about even coming near a hair brush. NPR or maybe some new Fleet Foxes on the speakers, mug of latte at hand.  (See entry Weekend Mornings, in “Utopian visions of what Bowen’s life should be like” Vol. II.)

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