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Posts tagged ‘cherries’

Summer cocktail: cherry bourbon fizz

Our first vagabond week took place in Eugene at Brett’s parents house, enjoying steamy hot Oregon summer days and cloudy, chilly, misty Oregon summer days (oh, Oregon). We rode our bikes along the river and ran on actual trails and had lunch with friends, and breakfast with friends, and (cheap, amazing) beers with friends. We drank Oregon pinot. We went to the Fair. We moved and unpacked and organized all of our earthly belongings, sorting them into “see you next year” and “mobile lifestyle” (aka living out of a car for three months) piles.  Then we made that second pile smaller, and smaller, and smaller. We promptly reopened almost every box looking for the camera tripod, which eventually turned up in the backseat of the car. It’s going to be a long year of searching for and moving around our belongings.

And we ate cherries. Cherries, and cherries, and cherries.



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Rustic fruit galette, and a little bit about home

One of the reasons we’re so excited to embark on this huge year-long adventure and to settle somewhere new is that we’re looking for a place that feels a little more like home. Despite the fact that Southern California has technically been our home for the last ten years, it’s never really been a great fit. Neither of us ever really intended to stay after college (in fact, at one point I didn’t think I’d even stay all the way through), but things happen, and here we are.

A preview – I’m going to talk about home a little more, then you get this:

galette_served Read more