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Posts tagged ‘mint’

Winter cocktail: Kumquat-mint daquiri

We just spent five lovely days with our dear friends and their beautiful son. We cooked together, we took walks, we had a fire in the backyard, we drank wine, we listened to music, we went to the zoo, and we enjoyed what seems to be our yearly retreats together – full of important conversation and the making of plans and a wonderful, grounding connection with each other. I loved spending time with their toddler, my godson. He’s the first child with whom I’ve ever had a substantial relationship, and it’s amazing to see the world through his 17-month-old eyes.




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Summer cocktails: Blackberry fizz

I admit it. The number of recent cocktail posts might be a little over the top.


But let’s be honest – that’s kind of what summer is all about, right? Everything is fresh and I approach the kitchen with a sense of relaxation that finds me throwing all kinds of things into a cocktail shaker with a bit of ice, sitting in the backyard in my favorite lawn chair with only the beginning glimmer of an idea of what to make for dinner. Read more